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Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Spotlight: Ramon Bautista, MD, MBA

This May, ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville is recognizing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It was initially recognized as a week in 1977 by the US Congress to commemorate the contributions of Asian Americans in the United States.

Image of Dr. Ramon Bautista

This May, ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville is recognizing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It was initially recognized as a week in 1977 by the US Congress to commemorate the contributions of Asian Americans in the United States. It later became a full month celebration. The month of May also commemorates when the first Japanese immigrant came to the US in 1848 and when the transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869. Many people who worked on the railroad were Chinese immigrants. These various commemorations are now all celebrated in May together during AAPI heritage month.

Throughout the month, we are taking time to spotlight a few of our own faculty and staff from ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville and the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville. Today’s spotlight features Ramon Bautista, MD, MBA, Professor and Chair Department of Neurology.

What do you enjoy about working at ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville?

I have been a proud faculty member of the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville for 23 years. To be a part of ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville and to witness its growth and that of our community has truly been a thrill and an honor. What I value most about being here at ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville is the people – the relationships formed and the friendships made. I think we are a special group of individuals here at ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville whose heart is in the right place. We take wonderful care of individuals from all walks of life and have a vital role to play within the ÂÜÀòÉç enterprise, especially in Northeast Florida, as we excel in our tripartite mission of patient care, teaching, and research.

What does your AAPI Heritage mean to you?

Like individuals of other backgrounds, being of AAPI Heritage brings with it a set of behaviors, habits, and mindset that are conditioned by one’s upbringing, culture, and personal experiences. Along with other individuals of AAPI Heritage, I believe that we have something valuable and unique to offer our organization and community.

How is your AAPI Heritage reflected in your day-to-day work and other activities?

The beauty of ÂÜÀòÉç Jacksonville and Northeast Florida is that we are a pluralism of people who come from a variety of backgrounds, insights, and experiences. Our strength lies in our ability to listen and learn from one another, to sieve through the amalgamation of viewpoints and perspectives, withhold individual biases, and allow all ideas to be heard. And all this is done in an atmosphere of respect and professionalism. It is only through this process that true wisdom emerges, a culture of inclusivity and openness is fostered, and we find the best solutions that redound to the benefit of our organization.

Asian/Pacific Islander includes all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.

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Alexandra Linton
Social Media Coordinator

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Dan Leveton
Media Relations Manager
daniel.leveton@jax.ufl.edu (904) 244-3268