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We welcome our visitors. As our patients recover in the hospital, we know that many enjoy the support of visitors. Please be respectful of their wishes, however, and the rules of the unit, which are intended to provide the best possible environment for our patients to recover.

Visiting hours

  • In general, visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Some units in the hospital may set specific hours or additional restrictions for the purpose of providing safe care, privacy or security for patients in that area.
  • Patients have the right to withdraw permission or deny visitors at any time.
  • Any questions or concerns related to the 蹤獲扦 Jacksonville Visitation Policy should be directed to Patient Relations.
  • Children under the age of 12 years will not be permitted visitation. All children over the age of 12 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18 or a parent at all times.

Please review the full policy below for further information.

Visitation policy and procedure

This policy defines and sets expectations regarding persons visiting hospitalized patients and recognizes our commitment to provide visitation in accordance with our non-discrimination policy, which provides access without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, marital status, citizenship, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and/or other legally protected classifications. The manager for each unit is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the Visitation Policy.

This policy is designed to support patient and family-centered care throughout the patients stay, and to ensure the safety of all patients, visitors, and staff, while at the Hospital. We strive to provide an environment that is comfortable and appropriate for patient recovery. Family, friends and/or representatives of the patients' choosing are encouraged to visit and provide support during the patients hospital stay. Patients and families are informed of visiting hours and rules during admission and orientation to the unit. Visitors are welcome unless their presence interferes with others rights, safety, or is medically contraindicated. In general, patients have the right to identify a Support Person, or Essential Caregiver, to be available during the course of their stay. Some specialty areas have additional rules for visitation that are listed below under Specialty Areas. Patients have the right to withdraw permission or deny visitors at any time.

Guidelines for the participation of persons spending time with the patient are flexible in order to respond to the diverse and changing needs and preferences of each patient and the hospital. Time and treatment may alter patient wants, desires or needs. Wherever possible, patients' wishes regarding visitation are recognized and honored.

Recognizing that it is impossible to anticipate every clinical reason that could warrant limitations on visitation, the hospital reserves the right to determine any situation where it is necessary to limit visitation. The hospital may suspend in-person visitation of a specific visitor if the visitor knowingly violates the Visitation Policy.

Any questions or concerns related to the 蹤獲扦 Jacksonville Visitation Policy should be directed to our Patient Relations Department.

Incarcerated patients are exempt from this policy as their visitation is determined by the authority having legal jurisdiction.


  • Essential Caregiver: A patient designated visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual. The Essential Caregiver will not be required, nor expected to, provide any necessary care to the patient.
  • Family or Family Member: The terms "family" or "family member" include any person(s), as defined by the patient, who plays a significant role in an individuals life. This may include a person(s) not legally related to the individual. "Family" includes spouses, domestic partners, and significant others of both the same and opposite sex. "Family" includes a minor patients parents, regardless of the gender of either parent. Solely for purposes of this visitation policy, the concept of parenthood is to be liberally construed without limitation as encompassing: biological parents, legal parents, foster parents, same-sex parents, step-parents, those serving in loco parentis, and other persons operating in caretaker roles, consistent with applicable law.
  • Hospital Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, Inc., dba 蹤獲扦 Jacksonville and dba 蹤獲扦 North.
  • Support Person: A person chosen by the patient to be present with them during the course of their stay, unless the individuals presence infringes on the rights of others, patient or staff safety, or is medically or therapeutically contraindicated. A Support Person may or may not be the patients surrogate decision maker or legally authorized representative and may be a family member, friend, or other individual.
  • Visitor: A "visitor" is defined as a guest of the patient. "Family" and "family members" are considered to be visitors.

Visitation guidelines

  • In general, visitors are encouraged to visit the patient from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (09:00-21:00) and are free to move about during these times in areas open to the public. In most cases, to avoid overcrowding in the patients room, 2 visitors are allowed to visit a patient at a time during regular visiting hours. Some units in the hospital may set specific hours or additional restrictions for the purpose of providing safe care, privacy, or security, for patients in that area. The patient, patients designated representative or the healthcare team, may limit visitation based on the individual needs of the patient.
  • A visitor who has been designated by the patient as an Essential Caregiver will be allowed in-person visitation for at least 2 hours in addition to normal visitation hours.
  • Consensual physical contact, such as holding hands or hugging, is allowed between the patient and visitor.
  • If the patient is on isolation precautions, the visitor must comply with the applicable isolation precautions as per policy IC-01-001. Hospital staff will provide the necessary education to the visitor regarding the isolation precautions. For patients on airborne or modified airborne isolation, it is recommended that visitors be 16 years or older due to mask sizing limitations.
  • In-person visitation is allowed in all of the following circumstances unless the patient objects:
    1. End-of-life situations
    2. The patient who was living with family before being admitted to the Hospital is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support
    3. The patient is making one or more major medical decisions
    4. The patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died
    5. The patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver
    6. The patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking
    7. In cases of childbirth, including labor and delivery
    8. Pediatric patients
  • During periods of high community transmission rates of communicable disease, visitors may be required to undergo a screening process upon entry to the Hospital or upon entry to units with certain types of patients.
  • The Hospital shall not require and visitor to provide proof of vaccination or immunization status.
  • Special considerations that determine the amount of time visitors spend with the patient include:
    1. The clinical and emotional needs of the patient. Having Visitors present must not put the patient at undo risk or cause harm. Patients who exhibit symptoms including, but not limited to, exhaustion, overstimulation, or marked increase in agitation may have visitation limited.
    2. Visitors who are unable or unwilling to comply with hospital infection control policies may be asked to limit visitation or may have visitation suspended.
    3. Visitation may be suspended in situations when an individuals presence infringes on the rights of others or poses a safety risk for patients or staff.
    4. The need to maintain a sterile environment during bedside procedures may result in visitors being asked to leave the room temporarily.
    5. One visitor is allowed to stay overnight with the patient in private areas unless the patient objects.
    6. In the intensive care areas, general Emergency Department (ED) areas, Trauma, PACU, and other areas with limited space, the preferred number of visitors at the bedside is no more than two at a time. If the patient is nearing end of life, special circumstances or accommodations may be made for additional visitors on a case by case basis.
    7. Visitors with prohibitive legal documentation, such as restraining orders, will not be allowed to visit.
    8. Visitors may be asked to leave the patient room or area in the event of a new incoming patient, deterioration in a patients status, or disruption of the therapeutic environment.
  • In order to maintain a therapeutic healing environment, visits should be brief, quiet, and pleasant.
  • Patients always have the right to refuse visitors.
  • Visitors are expected to be as quiet as possible in the patient care areas.
  • Visitors are expected to be appropriately dressed (shirt and shoes are required).
  • Visitors must be able to care for themselves. If they are unable or unwilling to care for themselves, they must be accompanied by another adult who agrees to supervise and care for them.
  • The nursing staff and Security Officers are responsible for informing visitors and patients of the visitation guidelines.
  • Security should be notified as necessary if a visitor The Hospital has zero tolerance for violence (see Workplace Violence policy A-04-026). Security will be contacted if a visitor is disruptive, inebriated, abusive, threatening, coercive, disrespectful to staff or patients, or otherwise interferes with hospital operations or patient care. Security will be notified if a visitor is suspected of committing a criminal act.
  • Food preparation is not permitted in the visitor lounges or patient rooms. Coffee makers, crock pots, Coleman stoves, hot plates, or any other types of cooking devices are not permitted at any time.
  • Food brought into the Hospital should be kept to a minimum. Any food brought in should be intended solely for the visitor or the specific patient being visited if diet allows. Food may not be distributed to other patients. Food should be cleared with the clinical staff treating the patient before being given to a patient to ensure that dietary restrictions are observed. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the Hospital campus.

After-hours visitation (9 p.m. 9 a.m.)

  • Visitor waiting rooms, with the exception of Labor and Delivery, OR, MICU, SICU, the Pavilion, and 蹤獲扦 North will be locked at 9 p.m. for the safety of our patients, guests and staff. Visitors are encouraged to leave the facility after 9 p.m. to obtain respite in order to better provide emotional support for the patient. Visitors choosing to remain after 9 p.m. will be directed to stay in the patients room or go to one of the open visitor waiting rooms, the first floor lobby, or cafeteria.
  • For patients having surgery or any other procedure after hours, visitors are permitted to wait in the appropriate visitor waiting room. After hours visitors must obtain a Visitor Pass from Security.
  • Approved visitors arriving after 9 p.m. and before 5 a.m. must obtain a Visitor pass from Security which will contain the patient location (room), the visitors name, and the date. The Security Officer will call the floor and speak to the charge nurse to verify that visitors are allowed after hours. After hour security locations are:
    1. Clinical Center - Elevators adjacent to the ED waiting rooms.
    2. Pavilion - Ground floor at the security desk.
    3. North Campus - Patient Relations/Security desk in the ED waiting room.
  • Visitors with patients who are arriving for early morning procedures will be directed to the appropriate visitor waiting room after the patient is registered for their procedure.
  • Adults staying overnight must be able to care for themselves and, at the discretion of the nurse, may participate in the basic care of the patient such as feeding and bathing.

Child visitors

Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. They may visit in the patient's room and in common areas with the supervising adult. A patient cannot serve as the supervising adult for the child.

Specialty areas

The following specialty areas have additional individual, unit-specific, guidelines related to visitation:

  • Inpatient Psychiatric Unit:
    1. Visiting Hours are as follows unless a physician order exists for an alternate time:
      1. Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
      2. Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    2. Denial of visiting rights requires a physician order. If visitors are denied, this order must be renewed every 48 hours, and this action must be explained to the patient and to visitors as applicable. The decision to deny visitation is documented in the progress notes.
    3. All visitors must check in at the nursing station.
    4. Visitors will be asked to place their belongings into the lockers in the vestibule prior to entering the unit.
    5. Child visitors under the age of 12 are not permitted unless special arrangements have been made in advance with the nursing staff.
    6. Only two visitors are allowed at the same time unless a physician order for more than two visitors is obtained.
    7. All visiting must take place in the general patient areas. Patients and their visitors are given as much privacy as possible within these restrictions.
    8. Any items brought in for the patient must be checked by the nurse prior to giving the item to the patient. Contraband is not permitted.
    9. Food is only permitted to be brought in if special arrangements have been made in advance with the nursing staff.
    10. Visitors must comply with unit rules, such as NO smoking. Visitors who do not comply with unit rules will be asked to leave the unit.
  • Emergency Department (ED):
    1. All visitors must have a pass stating the patients last name and area of the ED in which patient is located (Downtown only).
    2. Due to space constraints, visitation in the ED ICU/Resuscitation areas is restricted to two visitors at the discretion of the Nurse Manager or designee.
    3. No children are permitted to visit in the ED patient care area under the age of 12 years, except when warranted due to unusual circumstances and at the discretion of the Nurse Manager or designee.
  • Trauma Center:
    1. All visitors to the Trauma Center must be approved by the Trauma Center nursing staff with assistance from the chaplain and/or physician.
    2. No children are permitted to visit in the Trauma Center patient care area under the age of 12 years, except when warranted due to unusual circumstances and at the discretion of the Nurse Manager or designee.
    3. Visitors may be asked to leave at any time in the event of an incoming patient, deterioration in patient status or disruption of the therapeutic environment.
  • Intensive Care Units (ICUs)
    • Children under the age of 12 are generally not permitted to visit patients in the ICU settings unless approved by the Nurse Manager or designee.
  • Mother / Baby Areas:
    1. All adult Visitors must have photo identification (drivers license, state ID, employee badge) before access will be authorized. At the Downtown Campus, identification is verified by a Security Officer. At the North Campus, identification is verified by the staff member in the waiting area. If a staff member is not available in that area, visitors should use the video phone outside the door that rings back to the Nursing Station. If a visitor does not have the required photo identification, the Security Officer or staff member verifying will call the nurse who will speak to the patient to verify she is expecting this visitor.
    2. All Visitors wearing scrubs will follow the same procedure in this policy above.
    3. Identification will be verified even if the visitor has a newborn identification band.
    4. Visitation on mother/baby at the Downtown Campus and the North Campus will be limited to three (3) visitors at a time. The visitor with the newborn identification band provided post- delivery and the newborns siblings will be allowed to visit and are not included in the three (3) visitor rule. All siblings of the newborn are allowed to visit no matter their age.
    5. Non-sibling visitors under the age of two (2) years old will not be permitted.
  • Labor and Delivery:
    1. Sibling children are permitted in the Labor and Delivery Rooms at the discretion of the patient and / or nursing staff.
    2. (Downtown campus only) Upon transfer of the patient to the mother / baby unit, only the visitor with the newborn identification band will be allowed to accompany the patient through the staff hallway from labor and delivery to 3N. All other visitors will be asked to go to the waiting area for 30 minutes to allow for admission process.
  • NICU:
    1. Visitation of guests other than the parent(s)/guardian(s) is at the discretion of the parent(s)/guardian(s). Guests must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during visitation. Exception: Grandparents may visit with the permission of the parent/guardian and are not required to be accompanied by the parent/guardian.
    2. Infant contact may be made by Visitors at the discretion of the nurse.
    3. Siblings of infants should be at least 12 years of age, and parents must complete the NICU Wellness Screening Tool (health questionnaire) for every visit. Visits by siblings more than twelve years old should be limited to 30 minutes. Younger siblings may visit at the discretion of the Nurse Manager or designee for period not to exceed 5 minutes. Infant contact with the sibling is at the discretion of the nurse. All siblings will have temperature taken before entering NICU which must be within normal limits for entry.
    4. During times of increased risk of infection due to certain viruses such as, influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus, additional visitor restrictions may be warranted and implemented.
  • Pre-Op:
    • Downtown: A maximum of one visitor (over 12 years of age) is permitted at bedside for 15 minutes once the patient is prepped at the nurses discretion.
    • North: Two (2) visitors are allowed at bedside. Children with a supervising adult are permitted to the Pre-Op bedside for visitation at the discretion of the Pre-Op nursing staff and may be asked to leave if the visitation becomes disruptive.
  • PACU:
    • Downtown: A maximum of one visitor (over 12 years of age) is permitted at bedside for 15 minutes once the patient has met phase 1 discharge criteria or the return to procedure baseline vitals with no nausea or vomiting, and adequate pain control. Children under age 16 are permitted one parent at bedside upon arrival into PACU until discharge from PACU. Visitors may be asked to leave at any time in the event of special procedures, deterioration of a patient status, or at the request of the physician or nurse as necessary to meet patient care needs.
    • North: Once the patient has returned to pre-procedure baseline vital signs with no nausea or vomiting and adequate pain control, one (1) visitor may come to the bedside at the discretion of the PACU nursing staff.
    • Children under the age of 12 years are not permitted in PACU.
  • Surgery:
    1. Inpatient Surgery two visitors are allowed to wait in the patients room. If no room is assigned, one family member may wait in the surgical waiting room.
    2. Outpatient Surgery - two visitors per patient in the waiting room. Outpatient Support Persons take precedence because of the need to receive discharge instructions and to provide the ride home.
  • Pediatrics/PICU:
    1. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are encouraged to spend as much time with the child as possible, including overnight stays. One parent/guardian will be permitted to stay overnight in the childs room. Parents/guardians may switch out during the overnight stay so that both parents/guardians are able to spend time with the child.
    2. Visitation of additional guests will be at the discretion of the parent(s)/guardian(s), in collaboration with nursing staff. One visitor will be permitted at the bedside at any given time, in the presence of a parent/guardian or immediate Family member of the child.
  • Clinics:
    1. Visitation for clinics is allowed until waiting rooms are at capacity.

Transitional Care Unit (TCU) visitation policy

This Policy defines and sets expectations regarding persons visiting residents in the Transitional Care Unit (TCU) and recognizes our commitment to provide visitation in accordance with our non-discrimination policy, which provides access without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, marital status, citizenship, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and/or other legally protected classifications. The Director of Nursing for the TCU is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the Visitation Policy.

This policy is designed to support resident and family-centered care throughout the residents stay, and to ensure the safety of all residents, visitors, and staff, while in the TCU. We strive to provide an environment that is comfortable and appropriate for recovery. Family, friends and/or representatives of the residents choosing are encouraged to visit and provide support during the residents stay. Residents and families are informed of visiting hours and rules during admission and orientation to the unit. Visitors are welcome unless their presence interferes with others rights, safety, or is medically contraindicated. Residents have the right to identify a Support Person, or Essential Caregiver, to be available during the course of their stay. Residents have the right to withdraw permission or deny visitors at any time.

Guidelines for the participation of persons spending time with the resident are flexible in order to respond to the diverse and changing needs and preferences of each resident and the TCU. Time and treatment may alter resident wants, desires or needs. Wherever possible, residents wishes regarding visitation are recognized and honored.

Recognizing that it is impossible to anticipate every clinical reason that could warrant restrictions or limitations on visitation, the TCU reserves the right to determine any situation where it is necessary to limit visitation. The TCU may suspend visitation of a specific visitor if the visitor violates the Visitation Policy. If at any time (24/7) there are questions or concerns regarding visitation, the issue should be escalated to the Nursing Supervisor or the Administrator on Duty (AOD) pager 904-498-4894.

Incarcerated residents are exempt from this policy as their visitation is determined by the authority having legal jurisdiction.


  • Essential Caregiver: A resident designated visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual. The Essential Caregiver will not be required, nor expected to, provide any necessary care to the resident. In the TCU, an Essential Caregiver, may also be referred to as a Compassionate Caregiver. It is a person chosen by the resident to be present with them during the course of their stay, unless the individuals presence infringes on the rights of others, resident or staff safety, or is medically or therapeutically contraindicated. The individual may or may not be the residents surrogate decision maker or legally authorized representative and may be a family member, friend, or other individual
  • Family or Family Member: The terms Family or Family Member include any person(s), as defined by the resident, who plays a significant role in an individuals life. This may include a person(s) not legally related to the individual. Family includes spouses, domestic partners, and significant others of both the same and opposite sex. Family includes a minor residents parents, regardless of the gender of either parent. Solely for purposes of this visitation policy, the concept of parenthood is to be liberally construed without limitation as encompassing: biological parents, legal parents, foster parents, same-sex parents, step-parents, those serving in loco parentis, and other persons operating in caretaker roles, consistent with applicable law.
  • TCU: Transitional Care Unit, a licensed skilled nursing facility part of Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, Inc., dba 蹤獲扦 Jacksonville
  • Visitor: A Visitor is defined as a guest of the resident. Family and Family Members are considered to be Visitors.

Visitation guidelines

  • In general, visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (0900-2100). In-person visitation is permitted unless the resident objects. The resident, residents designated representative or the healthcare team, may limit visitation based on the individual needs of the resident. If questions or concerns arise regarding visitation, these should be directed to the units Director of Nursing, Nursing Supervisor, or Administrator on Duty (AOD) pager 904-498-4894 24/7.
  • If the resident is on isolation precautions, the visitor must comply with the applicable isolation precautions. TCU staff will provide the necessary education to the visitor regarding the isolation precautions.
  • Masks (facial coverings):
    1. In the event the TCU requires the use of masks, visitors may be required to wear a mask if the visitor is:
      1. Exhibiting signs or symptoms of or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission;
      2. In an in-patient or clinical room with a TCU Resident who is exhibiting signs or symptoms of or has a diagnosed infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission; or
      3. Visiting a TCU Resident (i) whose Provider has diagnosed the Resident with or confirmed a condition affecting the immune system in a manner which is known to increase the risk of transmission of an infection to the Patient from others without signs or symptoms of infection; and (ii) whose Provider has determined that the use of a facial covering is necessary for the Patients safety.
    2. The TCU reserves the right to require the use of masks at the TCU in circumstances consistent with national and state standards, and state and federal laws, rules requirements and regulations. TCU instructional signage will indicate if facemasks are encouraged or required for visitors, residents and employees.
    3. Masking Opt-out - In the event that the TCU encourages or requires the use of masks, then visitors may opt-out from wearing masks as follows:
      1. Visitors may opt-out of any existing mask requirements by notifying an employee, and the request will be reviewed by applying the Hospitals infection control procedures to determine if an alternative method of infection control or infectious disease prevention is available.
      2. If there are no alternative methods of infection control, a visitor may not opt-out of any mask requirements in the following circumstances:
        1. The visitor has been diagnoses or is exhibiting signs or symptoms of an infectious disease that can be spread through droplet or airborne transmission;
        2. Opting-out would otherwise infringe on the rights and would risk the safety or health of other patients, individuals, or TCU staff/employees.
        3. The TCU reserves the right to consider other exclusions from the opt-out provisions in order to comply with applicable state and federal laws, rules, requirements and regulations.
  • A visitor who has been designated by the resident as an Essential Caregiver will be allowed in-person visitation for at least 2 hours in addition to normal visitation hours.
  • Consensual physical contact, such as holding hands or hugging, is allowed between the resident and visitor.
  • Special considerations that determine the amount of time visitors spend with the resident include:
    • The clinical and emotional needs of the resident. Having visitors present must not put the resident at undo risk or cause harm. Residents who exhibit symptoms including, but not limited to, exhaustion, overstimulation, or marked increase in agitation may have visitation limited.
  • Visitation may be suspended in situations when an individuals presence infringes on the rights of others or poses a safety risk for residents or staff.
  • The need to maintain a sterile environment during bedside procedures may result in visitors being asked to leave the room temporarily.
  • Visitors with prohibitive legal documentation, such as restraining orders, will not be allowed to visit.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the resident room or area in the event of a new incoming resident, deterioration in a residents status, or disruption of the therapeutic environment.
  • In order to maintain a therapeutic healing environment, visits should be brief, quiet, and pleasant.
  • Residents always have the right to refuse visitors.
  • Visitors are expected to be as quiet as possible in the resident care areas.
  • Visitors are expected to be appropriately dressed (shirt and shoes are required).
  • Visitors must be able to care for themselves. If they are unable or unwilling to care for themselves, they must be accompanied by another adult who agrees to supervise and care for them.
  • The nursing staff and Security Officers are responsible for informing visitors and residents of the visitation guidelines.
  • Security should be notified as necessary if a visitor is disruptive, inebriated, abusive, threatening, coercive, disrespectful to staff or residents, or otherwise interferes with hospital operations or resident care. The Hospital has zero tolerance for violence (see Workplace Violence policy A-04-026).
    1. If Security determines the visitors presence poses a risk to the safety of the residents or staff, or interferes with normal operations or resident care, then the visitors permission to be on the premises may be revoked.
    2. Once a visitors permission to be on the premises is revoked, they become subject to legal processes.
    3. Security will be contacted if a visitor is suspected of committing a criminal act.
  • Food preparation is not permitted in the visitor lounges or resident rooms. Coffee makers, crock pots, Coleman stoves, hot plates, or any other types of cooking devices are not permitted at any time.
    1. Food brought into the Hospital should be kept to a minimum. Any food brought in should be intended solely for the visitor or the specific resident being visited. Food may not be distributed to other residents. Food should be cleared with the clinical staff treating the resident before being given to a resident to ensure that dietary restrictions are observed. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the Hospital campus.

After-hours visiting (9 p.m. 9 a.m.)

  • Visitors are encouraged to leave the facility after 9 m. to obtain respite in order to better provide emotional support for the resident. Visitors choosing to remain after 9p.m. will be directed to obtain an after-hours visitor pass and stay in the residents room or go to one of the open visitors waiting rooms.
  • Approved visitors arriving after 9 p.m. and before 5 a.m. will obtain a visitor pass from Security which will identify the residents location (room), the visitors name, and the date. The Security Officer will call the floor and speak to the charge nurse to verify that visitors are allowed after hours. After-hours security location: Pavilion ground floor at the security desk.
  • Adults staying overnight must be able to care for themselves and, at the discretion of the nurse, may participate in the basic care of the resident such as feeding and bathing.

Child visitors

All visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The resident being visited may not serve as the responsible adult for visitors under the age of 18. The following guidelines are to be followed:

  • A responsible adult will accompany the child at all times.
  • Children with an illness, cough or skin rash are discouraged from visiting.
  • For their safety, children are discouraged from visiting residents with isolation precautions.
  • If any of the above guidelines are not followed, or the childs behavior is disruptive, the unit Director of Nursing or designee, or Security Officer will request that the responsible adult leave the unit with the child. Security will be notified of failure to comply with the request.

Special consideration

  • In circumstances where in public relations or media problems develop, the Nursing Supervisor will be contacted to call Media Relations and Security.
  • If at any time (24/7) there are questions or concerns regarding TCU visitation, escalate the question or concern to the Nursing Director or the Administrator on Duty (AOD) pager 904-498-4894.